Setup 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) in Okta From your Okta Dashboard, click on your name and select settings from the list. On the next page, you will need to click the Edit Profile button so that we can modify the settings. You may be asked to login again before being allowed to make this change. After logging in again, scroll down to the Extra Verification section and hit the Set up button. On the next screen, hit the Setup button to proceed. On the next screen, select what type of cell phone you have. Depending on your choice, the instructions will vary slightly. In both cases, you will need an app that provides Time-based One-Time Passwords (TOTP). This can be Microsoft Authenticator (if you use Office 365 you may already have this), Okta Verify, Google Authenticator, Yubico Authenticator, or many more. Once you have selected your phone type, hit Next. On the next screen you will see a QR Code. Depending on the app you are using, you will need to select Scan QR Code or Add Account. This should trigger the camera on your cell phone. On the phone screen should be a box that you have to center the QR Code in. Once it has captured the QR Code, hit Next. On the next screen, it will now ask you for your Time-based One-time Password (TOTP). Your app will display a 6-digit code that will refresh every minute. Enter this code into the field and hit Verify.Note: If you enter the password after it expires/refreshes it will give you an error and you will need to enter the new code. Each app will display how long until the next refresh/expiration occurs. In the example below in my Yubico Authenticator, once the circle (next to the star) runs out, the code will regenerate. Once you have put in your code you should see a message that you have successfully setup your 2FA.