Reset password / Unlock account using Okta
Okta allows you to Self-Service Reset your password or Unlock your account. This will allow you to change your password or unlock yourself without ever having to contact IT. Basically how it works is you enter your username or email address and you can send yourself a link that will allow you to change your password or unlock your account.
- Begin by going in a browser.
NOTE: This process cannot be done from the Okta Mobile app, it must be done in a browser - either on your phone or on a computer.
Under the login field, click on Need help signing in?

Next, click on Forgot Password? or Unlock Account?

The next screen will ask you to enter your username or email address. If you do not know your username (usually first initial and last name), just enter your work email address. In the picture below i have entered my username. After you have entered your username or email address, you will need to decide how you'd like to receive your password reset / unlock link.
- If you'd like a text message to your phone, select Reset via SMS. This will send a text message to the phone number you registered during Okta setup. This will come in the form of a one-time passcode.
- If you'd like the link to go to your email address, click on Reset via Email. This method will send a reset link to your PRIMARY and ALTERNATE email addresses. Your primary address would be your work account, your alternate email address (this is usually a personal email address) would be an address you entered during Okta setup

If you selected Reset via Email, you will receive an email and you'll need to click on the Reset Password link in the email. If you clicked the Reset via SMS button, you will receive a one-time passcode via text that you will need to enter.
- One the next screen, no matter which option you selected previously, you'll need to enter the answer to your security question. This would have been created by you during your initial Okta setup. If you do not remember the answer to your security question, you will need to contact IT for help.

After entering your security question, you will need to select a new password. Above the text entry fields are the password complexity policy that your password must conform to. Once you have entered your new password twice, click on Reset Password to complete the process. If there were any errors or your password did not meet the complexity policy, it will be displayed in red.